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Abbreviations for US Navy Enlisted Personnel

- T -

T - Telegrapher

TA - Steward Apprentice

TC - Turret Captain

TD - Tradevman

TDI - Tradevman (Instructor) (Non-Aviation)

TDR - Tradevman (Repairman) (Non-Aviation)

TDU - Tradevman (Instructor) (Aviation)

TDV - Tradevman (Repairman) (Aviation)

TE - Teleman

TEL - Teleman (Communications Clerk)

TEM - Teleman (Mailman)

TEP - Teleman (Registered Publications Clerk)

TEQ - Teleman (Cryptographer)

TET - Teleman (Teletypist)

TM - Torpedoman's Mate

TME - Torpedoman's Mate (Electrical)

TMS - Torpedoman's Mate (Special Torpedoes)

TMT - Torpedoman's Mate (Electrical)

TMV - Torpedoman's Mate (Aviation)

TN - Stewardsman

TR - Steward Recruit

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